Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Misty Night


My effort may be simply no enough
Or my mental blind spot is larger than what I could have
Never a person paying attention to details
Always mistake-prone
Damn it Proofreading

Sad stories

Why finding me with your sad stories?
I never have a way out
All I can do is to listen
and share my own ones
with all my tears dried
and my wounds hidden

Although I should confess
that I love to hear others' stories
and I honestly think that
being listened is one kind of healing
and gratefully I have the capacity
to listen, analyze and feedback


miss that for days
running between the blocks of building
and malls and traffic
the rain comes to my face
mixes with my sweat
flow into my eyes
my left knee is complaining
and wind is so strong
but the harbor scene in a misty night
is even better
and the satisfaction do tell
that you are living with purpose

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